Tuesday 21 January 2014

C'est mardi le 21 janvier 2014.


We have had a busy couple of days at school. Our class has been working very hard and has been extremely productive. I am very proud of all my students. 

*Reminder: Please ensure that you sign your child's agenda.*

Sciences -Sociales: Students will be having a Sciences-Sociales test on Monday, January 27th 2014.  They are expected to know information on the Great Lakes (Les Grands Lacs), as well as Land forms (les reliefs) and Bodies of Water (les étendues d'eau). Over the next couple of days I will be uploading some images of the charts that we have in the class with the information and vocabulary that will be on the test. The students do have all this information copied in their Vocabulaire notebooks and their Science-Sociales folders. 

Science: Students will be having a Science test with Mr.Carter this Thursday, January 23rd. 

Math: We are currently working on Chapter 5 Lesson 2: Measuring with Millimetres. 

Language: Students have been working on their New Year's resolutions writing assignment. 

Francais: We've been working hard on communicating orally in French, as well as conjugating "er" verbs. The homework tab has been updated with this week's vocabulaire. 



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