Monday 27 January 2014

C'est lundi le 27 janvier 2014.

Bonjour tout le monde! 

Today, students received their Data Management tests. Please sign them and return them (the tests will be returned to the students right away). 

Math: There will be a small quiz on Friday, with just 3 questions. It will just cover the 3 Math lessons that we have done so far.
      - Measuring with Decimetres
      - Measuring with Millimetres 

      - Perimeter of Rectangles

Sciences- Sociales: Students wrote their test today. It will be marked and returned by the end of this week. 

Drama: Drama presentations are tomorrow. The script can be found under the homework tab. 

Francais: Dictée has been postponed until tomorrow as the students took a vote on it today and did not want to have the test and dictée on one day. 

Bonne journée!

Mlle. Ibrahim

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