Thursday 30 January 2014

C'est jeudi le 30 janvier 2014.

Salut tout le monde.

Hier, on a fait du patinage! C'était très excitant!!!! Ici sont des photos...

We had such a great time! Thank you to the parent volunteers that came. We will be going again on February 26th.

Au revoir,
Mlle. Ibrahim

P.S. Make sure you check the homework tab :)

Tuesday 28 January 2014

C'est mardi le 28 janvier 2014.


This is an exciting week because we have all been waiting to go skating!!! We will be skating tomorrow evening. We will leave the school after lunch and return just before the end of the day. Also, if students are not going to be skating they will still be coming to the rink as we will not be leaving any of the students behind.

The homework tab has been updated with this week's vocabulaire. 

As always, do not hesitate to contact me if there any questions or concerns. 

Bonne journée, 

Mlle. Ibrahim

Monday 27 January 2014

C'est lundi le 27 janvier 2014.

Bonjour tout le monde! 

Today, students received their Data Management tests. Please sign them and return them (the tests will be returned to the students right away). 

Math: There will be a small quiz on Friday, with just 3 questions. It will just cover the 3 Math lessons that we have done so far.
      - Measuring with Decimetres
      - Measuring with Millimetres 

      - Perimeter of Rectangles

Sciences- Sociales: Students wrote their test today. It will be marked and returned by the end of this week. 

Drama: Drama presentations are tomorrow. The script can be found under the homework tab. 

Francais: Dictée has been postponed until tomorrow as the students took a vote on it today and did not want to have the test and dictée on one day. 

Bonne journée!

Mlle. Ibrahim

Friday 24 January 2014


C'est vendredi le 24 janvier 2014. 

Just a reminder that there is a Sciences-Sociales test on Monday. 

Details on the format of the test may be found under the Homework tab. 

Bonne Chance! 

Mlle. Ibrahim

Tuesday 21 January 2014

C'est mardi le 21 janvier 2014.


We have had a busy couple of days at school. Our class has been working very hard and has been extremely productive. I am very proud of all my students. 

*Reminder: Please ensure that you sign your child's agenda.*

Sciences -Sociales: Students will be having a Sciences-Sociales test on Monday, January 27th 2014.  They are expected to know information on the Great Lakes (Les Grands Lacs), as well as Land forms (les reliefs) and Bodies of Water (les étendues d'eau). Over the next couple of days I will be uploading some images of the charts that we have in the class with the information and vocabulary that will be on the test. The students do have all this information copied in their Vocabulaire notebooks and their Science-Sociales folders. 

Science: Students will be having a Science test with Mr.Carter this Thursday, January 23rd. 

Math: We are currently working on Chapter 5 Lesson 2: Measuring with Millimetres. 

Language: Students have been working on their New Year's resolutions writing assignment. 

Francais: We've been working hard on communicating orally in French, as well as conjugating "er" verbs. The homework tab has been updated with this week's vocabulaire. 



Thursday 16 January 2014


Hope you are all checking this blog from time to time! Under the Homework tab you will be able to find updated homework as well as the Vocabulaire list for the week. 

This week we had a Math test on Graphing, and we started our new Math unit on Measurement (Chapter 5). Today, they worked on Measuring with Decimetres :) 

In Social Studies, we have been learning a lot of new terms, and that is where their vocabulary words are from. 

I would strongly suggest that students review their Social-Studies folder over the weekend as they will have a Social-Studies quiz on Monday, January 27th. 

As always, do not hesitate to email me or contact me at the school. 



Thursday 9 January 2014

Welcome to Mlle.Ibrahim's Blog


I am so excited to share this blog with you! This blog will have updated information about what exactly it is we are covering in class. You will find links for websites that can offer you extra help. You can also use this email address:,  to email me if you have any questions. I will also add our weekly vocabulaire list to this blog so you can always have the correct spelling!

Enjoy :)