Wednesday 14 January 2015

Bonne année!

Happiest of New Years! I hope this year brings all of you much success, joy, love and peace. 

We are back to business in room 214! We have already accomplished a lot in the last few months and we will continue to do so.

Français: Students ended off the year with irregular French verbs. They received their French tests back and were asked to get them signed. We started this year learning about the passé compose (past tense). This is a rather difficult concept for students to understand so we will be spending a lot of time learning it. Here is a link that can help you out:
Students also wrote their resolutions for the New Year.

Mathematics: We are currently working on Chapter 3 in Mathematics. Students will be having a test on Chapter 3 on Tuesday January 20th 2015.

Grade 5:
- Evaluating Survey Results.
- Broken Line graph
- Interpreting Circle Graph
- Bar Graph with Intervals
- Pictograph (to be taught)
- Mean and Mode (to be taught)
Grade 6:
- Creating and Analyzing a survey
- Plotting coordinate pairs
- Line graphs
- Scatter Plots (to be taught)
- Mean and Median  (to be taught)

Language: We are continuing Narrative writing. Students were given an assignment where they are to create their own Picture book that they are working on in class.

Social-Studies: We are continuing to work on the First Nations unit. Students did a great job with their presentations and Fact sheets. We are now learning about the European settlers and their impact on our country.

Merci beaucoup, 


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