Tuesday 22 March 2016


Demain, sur ton examen tu va trouver:
1) le passé composé (Avoir et Etre)
2) Les adjectifs possessifs ( ma, mon, mes, etc)
3) les verbes reguliers et irreguliers de er, re, ir, et les verbes pronominaux (se brosser, se baigner)au present et au passé composé.
4) vouloir, pouvoir, savoir, faire, etc...
Les adjectifs possessifs poster (image only) #francais #french:



Tuesday 1 March 2016


Image result for updates
Bonjour everyone! 

We have been very busy in our classroom. Students have been working very hard! I am extremely proud of them. Here are a few reminder/ updates: 

Reading Logs: Starting today (March 1st), students will need to log their reading, and summarize what they are reading every day. It is important that you (the parent/guardian) follow up and sign their reading log. Reading helps enhance their vocabulary, and improves their writing tremendously. 

Poetry: Students are working on their Free verse poems. Here are some helpful links: http://www.poetry4kids.com/blog/news/how-to-write-a-free-verse-poem/http://msmcclure.com/?page_id=1264

Graduation Pictures: Graduation pictures are this Thursday March 3rd. Grade 8 students must wear a white collared shirt (dress shirt). I cannot wait to see all of you looking your best! :)

Composition order: If students are interested in ordering the Graduation Composition, the money and order must be returned by March 3rd. 

Science Center: We will be going to the Science center on March 21st. The forms as well as the money ($18.00) must be in as soon as possible. 

Thank you for your continued support. Mlle.Ibrahim