Thursday 10 November 2016

Hello grade 7/8 students,

Today you will be joining a Math Google Classroom.

1) You will need to go to AW
2) You will then go Google Apps tab
3) You will choose Google Classroom
4) When you get to the Google Classrooms homepage, you will see all the classes that you are enrolled in. Click on the plus sign on the top right corner next to your name, and click on join a class.
5) Put in our class code: 28o2lk

Now wait for further instructions as to what we will be doing next!

Friday 23 September 2016


A letter. 

Each of you has the option to choose: 

1) Write a letter addressed to me, explaining why this will be your best academic year. 

2) Write a letter addressed to me, explaining why you are going to be the best student (model student) this year. 

- Dear Ms. Ibrahim
- Signature
- Date
- Indent 
- Introduction
- Body ( 3 paragraphs containing the STRONG arguments) 
- conclusion ( End it with a big BANG!!!!!!) 
- transitional words

Monday 12 September 2016



Ms.Browne's GRADE 7/8 

2) Grade 7s join: 9130DF
     Grade 8s join: F692E4
3) Sign up!
4) Make sure you write your password in your agenda so you do not forget it! 
5) Create your character, and start playing! 

Image result for prodigy



Visitez: sur INTERNET EXPLORER- N'utilises pas Google Chrome.

1.Click on Create
2.Type in the words you want to form the word cloud.
3.Key words can be enlarged by just repeat typing the word. (Does not have to be consecutive)
4.To keep two words linked in the wordle, use the tilde key between the words: word~cloud
5.When complete, hit “go” button

Tu vas créer un wordle avec les mots assocciez avec vous et ta vie. minimum 30 mots! 
Puis tu vas imprimer!

Image result for wordle instructions


Grade 7/8 

2) Grade 7s join: 735699
     Grade 8s join: 3B6553
3) Sign up!
4) Make sure you write your password in your agenda so you do not forget it! 
5) Create your character, and start playing! 

Image result for prodigy

Wednesday 7 September 2016

La rentrée 2016/2017

Bienvenue à une nouvelle année scolaire,
Image result for la rentrée scolaire
Welcome back everyone! I hope you are all excited to be in our grade 7/8 EF class.
This year will definitely be a very exciting one, filled with A LOT of learning.
Just a reminder that you have your first piece of homework due on Friday, September 9th! Here is the example that was shown in class.
Forms and agendas have also been handed out on Monday. They are to be returned as soon as possible. The cost of the agenda is five dollars, and snack program is 30 dollars.

Students will be receiving their tentative schedules by the end of this week. I will also be sending home an important sheet that will elaborate on the method of communication between myself and parents.

I am looking forward to working, and learning with you all.
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school or to email me.

Mlle. Ibrahim

Friday 17 June 2016

Bonjour filles et garcons!

Today we will be working together on some health... Each group will have to create a quiz for their question.

That means:
1) You will need to research it
2) Find the answer from a RELIABLE source (perhaps:
3) You must have members from the other class in your group
4) You can use Kahoot (or any other tool) to create your quiz!

Have fun!

Ms.Luke & Ms.Ibrahim

Thursday 9 June 2016

Histoire (7) - Les traités et les guerres.

Chaque groupe a trois diapositives. 

1- Sur la premiere et deuxieme partage les points et les notes importantes. (oui tu peux utiliser le vocabulaire aussi).
      * Seulement 10 à 15 phrases importantes.
2- Sur la troisième trouves les images qui représentent l'information. 

3- Si tu as besoin d'ajouter une autre diapositive tu peux ajouter un. 

- Tu peux aussi faire un petit recherche sur Youtube pour trouver les videos.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

All about Lines!

Ready for some serious Math fun! 

Image result for click below

                                                                                         Image result for excited emoji

Test d'histoire!

Image result for histoire

Image result for étudier7ieme année 
- Les filles du roi
- Le traité d'Utrecht
- Les principales villes en Nouvelle france 

8ieme année
- La création du Canada - L'histoire du Gouvernment du Canada 
- La création du Canada - En faveur de la conféderation
- John A. Macdonald
- **Terre du Rupert**

Les filles du roi & La traité d'Utrecht

Partages ici les questions et les reponses:

Tuesday 31 May 2016


June 3rd - Math Test
June 3rd - Histoire Slides 
JUNE 3rd - Second Deposit for  Camp Wenonah
June 6th - Imparfait Kahoot
June 8th - Birchmount
June 9th - Test d'histoire
June 9th - Fun fair 
June 13th - Run Cumulative task
June 14th- Dance
JUNE 17th - FINAL PAYMENT for Camp Wenonah 
JUNE 20th-22nd - Camp Wenonah Grade 8 Grad Trip:
JUNE 28th - Graduation


L'histoire 8

Chaque groupe a deux diapositives. 

1- Sur la premiere partage les points et les notes importantes. (oui tu peux utiliser le vocabulaire aussi).
      * Seulement 5 phrases importantes.
2- Sur la deuxieme trouves les images qui representent l'information.

L'histoire 7 

Chaque groupe a trois diapositives. 

1- Sur la premiere et deuxieme partage les points et les notes importantes. (oui tu peux utiliser le vocabulaire aussi).
      * Seulement 10 à 15 phrases importantes.
2- Sur la troisieme trouves les images qui representent l'information. 

POUR vendredi le 3 juin. 

Friday 13 May 2016

Dates Importants!


MAY 16th - Year Book Cover due! 
MAY 16th - Run Week 3 - Complete Literature circle roles & Questions
MAY 17th - Camp Wenonah information session @ 6:00 pm
MAY 17th - Dance-a-thon Money due 
MAY 18th- Dance-a-thon
MAY 19th- Chanson d'imparfait
MAY 20th - First Deposit for Camp Wenonah
May 24th - Disney Dance
June 3rd - Math Test 
JUNE 3rd - Second Deposit for  Camp Wenonah
June 8th - Birchmount
June 9th - Test d'histoire
June 9th - Fun fair 
JUNE 17th - FINAL PAYMENT for Camp Wenonah 
JUNE 20th-22nd - Camp Wenonah Grade 8 Grad Trip:
JUNE 27th - Graduation

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Important Dates!

A lot of exciting things are coming up over the next couple of months... 

MAY 10th - Track and Field. 
MAY 17th - Chanson d'imparfait 
MAY 18th- Dance-a-thon
MAY 19th- Disney Dance 
JUNE 20th-22nd - Camp Wenonah Grade 8 Grad Trip:
JUNE 27th - Graduation 

Image result for questionsMake sure that you complete RUN chapters 6-10, along with your chapter questions, and your literature circle role for Monday, May 9th. 

Questions...? Just ask! 

Bonne journée!