Tuesday 15 December 2015

C'est mardi le 15 decembre 2015.

C'est presque ici, la nouvelle année, mais on continue avec de travail.

We have had a very small class over the last couple of days, due to all of the events happening around the school, however we are still trying to sneak some work in.

This morning we worked on Vouloir, pouvoir et devoir. For those of you that were not in the classroom this is the slideshow that we viewed. Please go over it, and make sure you take note of the irregular conjugations. It is a good idea to take notes. http://www.slideserve.com/billie/vouloir-pouvoir-devoir

Please visit the helpful stuff tab to practice the verbs.

* Non-perishable food item for tomorrow (Wednesday) for our Food Drive.
* 3 dollars due Wednesday for our class party on Thursday.
* Assembly will be on Thursday, December 17th at 12:30, please come support our class as we will be showing a song and video, as well as a dance!
* 5 dollar plus taxes, gender neutral gift for Thursday, December 17th if you are interested in participating in Secret Santa.
* Skating form and 3 dollars are due on Friday, December 18th.

Thank you,

Wednesday 9 December 2015

C'est mercredi le 9 decembre 2015.

Bonjour everyone,
The last week of the 2015 school year is fast approaching, and of course we will be celebrating, and wrapping up some school work!

Geography tests were returned yesterday, please make sure you sign them and send them back to school.

Tomorrow, you will be getting your Progress Reports! There is nothing to worry, or stress about, because there is always time to improve, and grow.
This Friday, we will be going to the ACC to watch the 905 and the Raptors compete. Please bring a Boomerang lunch, or you may bring some money to purchase a lunch from there.  Just keep in mind it may not be the cheapest nor the healthiest option.

December 15th will be pajama and hot chocolate day!!

On December 17th, we will have our assembly in the afternoon, and our class is planning to put a video together. Please come join us if you are able to.

Also, on the 17th we will be having our class party. Students are not allowed to bring any snacks, or treats to share from home. I will be collecting 3 dollars from each student, and I will be buying snacks for the class. Please send the money by Wednesday the 16th if you would like your child to participate. During our party, we will also have an optional gift exchange. Students interested in participating must buy a gender neutral gift that costs $5.00 + taxes.

On December 18th, Elizabeth and Tharsha will be teachers for the day, as part of our persuasive writing unit. The students were assigned to write a persuasive piece to convince myself and their classmates as to why they should be teacher for the day. The class voted for these two students, and we are very excited to work with them for the day. 

 Have a great day,
Mlle. Ibrahim

Monday 7 December 2015


BIENVENUE grade 7s and 8s!

The blog is finally up and running! On the blog you will be able to find some useful links and videos. Feel free to go and explore. You will find things from previous classes that I have taught, but you do not need to worry about that.

I will post the weekly vocabulaire under the homework tab, and any homework as well.

For those of you that have not emailed me your article yet, please do so at remonda.ibrahim@tdsb.on.ca . 

If you haven't handed in the trip form for this Friday, last day is tomorrow. I will not accept any after that. 

CANDY GRAMS & SINGING GRAMS: These are sold every morning recess and afternoon recess for the next week. 3 for 1 dollar or 1 for 50 cents!!!!

Dictee is tomorrow, and it is a challenging one so make sure you are ready for it! 

Also, Geography tests will be returned tomorrow!!! :)

Have a wonderful evening!
