Friday 28 November 2014

Bonjour tout le monde!

We have been rather busy in our class for the last couple of weeks. Here is an update on some of the things that we have been doing.

Language: As you are aware we have finished reading My Mother's Secret. The students have worked on book reports as well as Movie Posters. The author J.L. Witterick came to visit and she was impressed by the students and all of their work. We will continue working on Narrative writing as well as improving sentence structure (ie: run- on sentences).

Language (contd...): Students should have the weekly English spelling words in their agendas. However, here is the link in case it was misplaced:

Mathematics: Students have completed their Math Projects for Chapter 2. We are starting Chapter 3 which is Graphing. Please visit the "Helpful Stuff " tab for some new Math websites.

French: We have been working on irregular French Verbs (ie: vouloir, pouvoir, savoir, devoir, dire, lire, conduire, écrire, sortir, dormir, partir) as well as reading and answering questions using complete sentences. Students will be having a French test on irregular verbs next Thursday December 4th. Format of the test to follow.

Social-Studies: We are currently working on "The spiritual practices of the First Nations". Students are working in groups and are to hand in their work on Tuesday December 8th. They are working on this in class, however you may see the project requirements in their Social-Studies folder.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser is due Monday, December 1st. Please help support our school!

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me, whether it is by emailing me at or by calling the school. 

Thank you so much for your continuous support,

Mlle. Ibrahim

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Our scarecrow!!

Bonne journée tout le monde...

We've had an eventful few days.

Language: we have completed reading J.L.Witterick's book "My Mother's secret" and it is extremely bitter sweet. It is such a great book! The students each received their own copies on Friday. We are currently working on book reports for the book and they will be due Thursday, November 13th. 

Mathematics: We are currently working on Chapter 2. We have completed Reading and Writing Numbers, Comparing and Ordering Numbers, and Decimal Hundredths/ Thousandths. We will be working on Rounding Numbers and Decimals as well as Comparing and Ordering Decimals over the next couple of weeks. For this Chapter they will not be having a test but rather a Math Project.

Report cards: Report cards will be sent home on Monday, November 10th. Parent teacher interviews will be help on Wednesday, November 12th as well as Thursday, November 13th in the evening. There will NOT be any parent teacher interviews on Friday,  November 14th, it is a P.D. day and the school will be CLOSED for all students.

Remembrance Day: On November 11th from 10:30 - 11:00 am we will be having our Remembrance Day assembly. Please come join us. Our class will be performing.

Pictures: Picture orders are due this Friday, November 7th, if you are not ordering them online.

Merci beaucoup,

Mlle. Ibrahim