Tuesday 25 February 2014

C'est mardi le 25 février 2014.

Bonjour tout le monde! 

Aujourd'hui, on a 5 filles (Judy, Anastasia, Keyanna, Sarah et Keshawi) qui ont joué dans le tournament de volley-ball!! Elles ont joué très bien! Félicitations :) 

We started our Math Presentations for our Measurement unit, they should be completed by this week. We will then start Number Sense and Numeration and we will be having a Math March Boot-camp that will be dedicated to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Tomorrow, we will be going skating. Please make sure you are dressed accordingly because we will be walking to the skating rink. Looking forward to it!
Thank you for a great and productive month everyone! :)

Monday 24 February 2014

C'est lundi le 24 février 2014


Just wanted to update all of you on a few things. On Friday February 21st we had a very exciting day, we had a few teachers come visit our classroom during a Guided reading lesson and the students were absolutely wonderful! We will be doing lecture guidée about 4 times a week. Lecture guidée allows students to practice reading strategies in small groups with me, as well as work in their groups to practice acquired skills. 

Also, on Friday we had a visitor from the National Ballet who came to teach our students about ballet! They definitely got active :) 

Today, Monday, February 24th we worked on our Math projects that will end off our Measurement unit. Students will be presenting their projects tomorrow. 

Here are some pictures of some of the Ballet that the students did. 

As always do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 
Mlle. Ibrahim

Thursday 20 February 2014

C'est jeudi le 20 février 2014

I am back :) I have definitely missed every single one of you greatly! 

Tomorrow is the big day!!!! 

We are fully starting our lecture guidée tomorrow! The students and I are very excited about it! 

Today we discussed Les textes informatifs. 
Here is some important vocabulary that is related to les textes informatifs that I would like the students to review and familiarize themselves with for tomorrow! 

Le texte informatif.
Qu’est-ce que c’est un texte informatif?
Un texte informatif fournit des informations précises sur un sujet.
Tu peux lire un texte informatif si tu veux apprendre quelque chose de nouveau.
L’auteur du texte informatif présente des faits mais il ne donne pas son opinion personnelle.

L’intérieur du livre
Dans les textes informatifs, on trouve :

1) Les paragraphes
2) Les illustrations
3) Les photos
4) Les cartes
5) Les schémas
6) Les titres
7) Les sous-titres
8) Les différents caractères (le gras et l’italique)
9) La table des matières- une liste que te permets de voir rapidement les thèmes du livre et les numéros de pages où ils se trouvent.
10) Le glossaire – un petit dictionnaire qui te donne la définition des mots important du texte. Les mots sont mis dans l’ordre alphabétique.
11) L’index – une liste alphabétique des thèmes du livre. Il permet de trouver rapidement l’information qu’on cherche. 

Tuesday 18 February 2014

C'est mardi le 18 février 2014.


J'ai tres malade :( 

I am currently away from the classroom due to the fact that I am very ill with the flu. I am hoping to return to the classroom by Thursday. 

Students will have their dictee on thursday but there will be no vocabulary for this week. 

In Math we are finishing up Measurement. Students are partnered up to work on a word problem that they will be presenting to the class. 

Lastly, as I promised the students here is a picture of their Valentine's day treat :) 

Take care, 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

C'est mercredi le 12 février 2014.

Salut! :) 

We have had a very productive day today. Students were extremely engaged in the centers this morning and are most definitely learning a lot. Keep up the good work!
It is great seeing how far they have come!

Just a quick reminder to please send back the report card envelopes. 

Parent-teacher interviews are tomorrow Thursday, February 13th from 3:10-6:00. Looking forward to seeing you. 

On February 14th, we will be having a Valentine's day party in the morning. If you are able to send a nut-free snack with your child that would be greatly appreciated (the healthier the better :))

Here are a few pictures of our classroom community, make sure to ask your child to tell you all about it! Filles et garçons expliquent à tes parents. 

A demain, 

Tuesday 11 February 2014

C'est mardi le 11 février 2014.

Bonjour tout le monde!

Today students will be receiving their report cards. Please ensure that you look at them and read them with your child. Also, please sign and return the envelope as well as completing the bottom of the second page. 

Students that requested parent-teacher interviews were given times that are indicated in the report card envelope. If you would still like a parent-teacher interview do not hesitate to call the school or to write a note in the agenda. 

Also, this week's vocabulary has been added to the Homework tab. 


Sunday 9 February 2014

C'est dimanche le 9 février 2014.

Salut tout le monde!!! 

It has been a very busy time for our class! We have been working on our centers so that we can get our Guided Reading started. 

Our test de lecture has been postponed to tomorrow. 

Report cards will be distributed to students on Tuesday February 11th. 

Parent- teacher interviews will be held on Thursday February 13th. The parent-teacher interview forms were stapled in students' agendas on Friday February 7th. If you can please fill out the forms with your preferred time slot and return it to school by Monday, February 10th. 

As always students will have their dictée tomorrow. 

Thank you for your continued support. 
Looking forward to seeing you at parent-teacher interviews.

Bon weekend! 

Tuesday 4 February 2014

C'est février!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Salut tout le monde!! 

C'est février et on continue de travailler très fort! 

Today students have received their Measurement quizzes. Please ensure that you go over them with your child and sign them. 

As usual, students received their new vocabulary list. It's Vocabulaire 20 - that's a whole lot of new words that we have learned!! Keep up the good work!!!! :) (Vocabulaire 20 can be found under the homework tab)

Students were given Scholastic Book Orders for those that are interested in ordering they are due February 7th. 

Please continue checking your child's agenda on a daily basis. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at the school or by emailing me at mlleibrahim4@gmail.com

